Where does our federal tax spending go?
Why do we need government, anyway? Government (the PUBLIC sector) provides services that we depend on which businesses (the PRIVATE sector) either can’t provide or won’t provide because there’s no profit incentive to do so. While there are certainly niche opportunities for private businesses to…
How should I invest? Where do I put my money?
Sam, from the Financial Samurai wrote an excellent blog on how asset allocation depends on risk tolerance. I highly encourage everyone to read it. It’ll give you an idea what your stock to bond portfolio ratio should be according to your risk tolerance. Synopsis of…
Asset Re-Allocation
The Buffett indicator measures total market capitalization to GDP. It is used as a broad way of assessing whether the country’s stock market is overvalued or undervalued, compared to a historical average. Latest Buffet Indicator Data In combination with implementing a better DCA strategy, I’ve…
Is everyone else making more money than me?
Questions: Am I getting the most out of my investments? Are my investments making more or less than the automatic 401k’s in the S&P 500? Should I self-manage or robo invest? Story: What is Dollar Cost Averaging – DCA ? It’s an investment strategy where…
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The No. 1 Travel Mistake You’re Making (And 4 Ways To Fix It)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis…
How To Climb The Career Latter And Don’t Waste Your Youth
Morbi fermentum purus metus, eu consequat est congue ut. Proin ut eros ac tortor imperdiet convallis nec eu dui. Curabitur sed fermentum arcu. Vestibulum sed egestas purus. Donec dapibus malesuada eros quis suscipit. Praesent fermentum ipsum nec elit finibus, at cursus augue maximus. Praesent blandit…
Health Tips And Benefits Of Healthy Lifestyle You Should Consider
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis…
Heartwarming Dishes That Will Lighten Up Your Day & Night
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis…
People Never Get Tired Of Hearing Their Own Names. You Is A Great, Universal Shortcut.
Duis sollicitudin nibh et libero rhoncus ultricies. Maecenas risus ipsum, imperdiet ac luctus sit amet, volutpat nec libero. Fusce mattis non nisi quis tincidunt. Donec dictum velit sed feugiat laoreet. Sed justo magna, sollicitudin et dignissim ac, venenatis at tortor. Sed finibus faucibus tincidunt. Mauris…